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The UK is much closer to blackouts than anyone dares to admit

It won’t take an enemy power to overwhelm the National Grid

Of all the problems with electric cars, perhaps the least expected was the revelation that some home charging points provide a potential point of weakness for malign foreign powers to interfere with our National Grid. Last week, the Office for Product Safety and Standards ordered the company Wallbox to stop selling its Copper SB chargers because hackers could potentially access the chargers and incapacitate the grid by such means as suddenly turning on thousands of chargers full-pelt at the same time.
But do we really need a foreign power to crash our electricity grid when we are quite capable of inflicting it on ourselves? We are heading for a big electricity crunch as it is. Whoever wins the general election, the next government will be committed to decarbonising the National Grid – by 2035 in the case of the Conservatives and by 2030 in the case of Labour. That means either closing all the gas power stations or fitting them with carbon capture and storage technology – which does not yet exist on scale in Britain and whose costs are likely to be massive. At the same time every single one of our existing nuclear power stations is currently due to reach the end of its life by 2035. If Hinkley C is delayed much beyond its latest estimated completion, we could end up with no nuclear at all.
That could leave us trying to power the country pretty much with intermittent wind and solar energy alone – and this at a time when politicians want millions more of us to be driving electric cars and heating our homes with heat pumps, thus substantially increasing demand. How will we keep the lights on? One struggles to find satisfactory explanation from the National Grid ESO, which is trusted with this task.
It has produced a vision for a winter’s day in 2035 which foresees massive amounts of energy being stored in the form of green hydrogen produced via the electrolysis of water – a technology which may not be ready by then. It also sees Britain importing around a quarter of its electricity. What happens if the countries we import it from are also short of renewable energy, it doesn’t say.
But another large part of the picture seems to be “demand flexibility” – a polite term for rationing energy through smart meters, jacking up the price whenever supply is short. No wonder the Government seems keener than ever to force smart meters on us. The latest wheeze is to announce that, from next year the radio signal which are used to switch old-style electricity meters onto cheaper, night-time Economy 7 tariffs will be switched off, meaning that customers without a smart meter will always be charged the daytime tariff.
The trouble is, smart meters aren’t working very well. A survey last month by Which? revealed that 40 per cent of consumers say they have had problems with the electricity company not receiving readings remotely. The Government admitted in December that 2.7 million out of 33 million smart meters are working in “dumb” mode. Ofgem has said that, in future, electricity companies will repair the meters for free rather than offering only a one year warranty.
How devious it was to lumber customers with the cost of repairing smart meters when old style analogue meters were always the property of electricity companies and it was their responsibility to keep them in working order.
But even if your meter is working, don’t be fooled by the claim that it will save you money. When we get “dynamic tariffs”, they are unlikely to be anything like Economy 7 where the daytime and nighttime prices are fixed and easy to understand. When the wind drops and the sun goes down, it will require eye-watering electricity prices to persuade enough people to turn off their appliances to avoid blackouts.
It won’t take an enemy power to put us all in the dark – just energy customers doing normal things on a normal winter’s evening.
Ross Clark is the author of ‘Not Zero’
